Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Getting closer to that banana republic status all the time!

Little known tropical diseases are a growing threat in Louisiana, panelists say | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

Little known tropical diseases are a growing threat in Louisiana, panelists say

15 May 2013

Tropical diseases are a growing threat in Louisiana and present a significant economic and health burden, according to a panel that met on Wednesday.

The experts pointed to environmental degradation and climate change as factors for the spread of diseases into the U.S. that are typically perceived as only affecting Mexico and Central and South America.

Borders don’t matter when we share climates, said Pierre Buekens, professor and dean of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, which hosted the discussion.

The seven diseases on the World Health Organization’s list as neglected, particularly in North America, are Chagas, Cysticercosis, Dengue fever, Leishmaniasis, Schistosomiasis, Trachoma, Toxocariasis and West Nile virus.

Chagas disease, a parasitic disease which if left untreated can turn from a bug bite to heart failure, was first found in Louisiana in 2006 by Loyola University researchers.

Chagas is spread through a number of species of triatomine, or “kissing bugs,” and can be transmitted during childbirth or through blood transfusions and transplants.

An estimated 300,000 people in the United States are infected with Chagas disease. It affects 10 million people worldwide and is the leading cause of heart disease in Central and South America, according to Research America, which organized the panel.

“It’s really quite embarrassing for the U.S. not to have addressed Chagas in a more aggressive way,” Buekens said. “There’s no excuse.”

Patricia Dorn, a professor of biological sciences at Loyola who has been researching Chagas for more than 20 years, said there is a perception that people in the United States don’t get Chagas. While it is much more widespread in countries to the south, Dorn said that three people in Louisiana and 23 people nationwide were found to have contracted the disease on U.S. soil.

Diseases also go from the developed world into the developing world, Dorn said, citing the recent example of U.N. workers bringing cholera to Haiti.

Dorn described the bugs as not very well mannered, as they feed and defecate at the same time. It is through the bugs’ excrement that people can become infected, she said.

The “kissing” part of the name comes from the fact that the bugs typically are quiet during the day and then like to bite peoples’ faces at night while they sleep.

Of the kissing bugs studied in New Orleans, Dorn said that 60 percent were found to be carrying the parasite. She said the research also showed that almost half of the bugs had fed on humans.

Chagas often presents with mild symptoms, like a headache or fever. Then ten or twenty years later the disease can cause heart arrhythmias, heart palpitations, heart attacks, and congestive heart failure.

Other diseases require more local attention as well, the panelists said. Louisiana has the second highest number of West Nile fatalities, and in the 1980s, the state saw widespread toxocoriasis, a parasitic infection that primarily affects children and can cause visual impairment. Dengue fever, which is spread by mosquitoes, is also a concern in the region.

Buekens said there needs to be a regional movement to educate residents about these little known tropical diseases, as well as better collaboration between government agencies, doctors, and researchers.

“It’s really time to wake up,” Buekens said. “We really can’t tell other countries what to do if we don’t address it at home.”

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Poll shows drop in Jindal’s favorability ratings | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

Poll shows drop in Jindal’s favorability ratings | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

Letter: Phone program a valid use of funds

Our Sen. David Vitter felt the need to email his constituents March 26 at 11:21 a.m. to let us know his valiant stand against “Free Cell Phones for Welfare Recipients.”

This program began under President Ronald Reagan, continued through the administrations of presidents George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, and George “Dubya” Bush, and has been recently modified by President Barack Obama. The “Lifeline Assistance” program created in 1984 provided landlines (and thus a connection of last resort to emergency services, job prospects and family members) in even the poorest homes.

As cellphone use spread and landline use dropped, the program was modified in 2008 under President Bush (before Obama took office). The requirement was that recipients had to be on Medicaid, food stamps or another state or federal welfare program. Unfortunately, the program never required proof from the cell carriers that their millions of Lifeline users were truly needy.

When Obama’s FCC in 2012 required the carriers verify Lifeline users actually needed aid, the program was found to be riddled with fraud. About 41 percent of Lifeline cell subscribers turned out not to be eligible. So, the FCC will be cutting the Lifeline rolls and thereby, the cost of the program.
Apparently, Sen. Vitter feels that is not enough, so he wants to remove cellphones from people on Medicaid, food stamps or another state or federal welfare program. He wants to make it harder for them to find jobs, connect with potential employers, check with the children’s teachers, make medical appointments, and maybe even calling 911.

The Lifeline program is a valid use of federal funds (our dollars collected through the Universal Service Fund fee on our monthly phone bill) to help those at the bottom of our economy.
Also, the program includes 250 minutes of use per month — not unlimited minutes.

James R. Madden
IT consultant
Baton Rouge
1) Comment by Corvette Racer - 04/02/2013
2) Comment by wherearewegoing - 04/01/2013
As a matter of fact, Suzanne, the website YOU referenced even discusses those that receive lifeline for free.
3) Comment by wherearewegoing - 04/01/2013
@Suzanne: I never said "riddled with fraud"...the article you foolishly commented on said "riddled with fraud". And since I'm apparently implying that everyone with these phones is on welfare and isn't working (I don't think I implied that, but I do believe that it is true in the vast majority of you agree?) then you were implying that these phones are, in some cases, free. You said "Lifeline is not necessarily free." Implying that it isn't always free, but sometimes...?
4) Comment by SuzanneMS - 04/01/2013
wherearewegoing, where in your comment did you use the terms "riddled with fraud?" You claimed that the program is free, and you were wrong. You also implied that everyone who is on Lifeline is on welfare and is not working. Wrong again. tradewinns, certainly fraud should be dealt with. That does not mean that the program should be abandoned or that there is not a need for it. I qualified for a Lifeline discount -- discount, not a free phone -- when I was a graduate student, working part time and going to school full time. I guess that makes me a useless, fraudulent drain on society.
5) Comment by DMJ - 04/01/2013
Host, you keep asking that inane, asinine question. And since you don't get the answer you want, which is "It depends on the circumstances," why don't you just tell us the answer you want to hear and then next time you feel the need to ask that question again, just answer yourself and spare the rest of us? Once again... how much is enough? It depends, bub. Obviously. As if there could be an exact figure for such a question.
6) Comment by CountryBoysCanSurvive - 04/01/2013
wow the advocate brown shirts had to stretch to give me a Terms of Use violation. All I said was free phones should be limited to 911 calls and 10 of non essential calls. I see people use initials to describe words all the time. Why single me out? Perhaps I need to complain to upper management again.
7) Comment by The_Host - 04/01/2013
I am still waiting for the GimmeDats to let us that PayforDat know exactly how much money they will need to make everything okay in their eyes? Why can no one who is in favor of all the freebies come up with a clear number for how much the people paying should be on the hook for to give those that are takers in society. Exactly what will be ENOUGH and when will we get there? It appears at this moment we will get there when all of us are on the freebie list. But then do tell who will pay for it all when that happens? Is there anything that 1/2 of society shouldn't be forced to pay for on the behalf of the other 1/2 of society? Where do we draw the line of giving away freebies at the expense of people that have absolutely no say in whether they pay for it or not? WHERE!
8) Comment by On_The_Fence - 04/01/2013
Here's the real problem - I know a man who gets a "free" cellm phone anytime he wants one. Problem is, he can't figure out how to use it. The phones do not come with instruction nor or any offered---just sign here. He's frustrated, goes back to th enice folks giving the phones away and gets no help at all. He has several phones without even an instruction manual (if he could read!) Amazing waste of funds!
9) Comment by Whatnow - 04/01/2013
10) Comment by phil - 04/01/2013
"The Lifeline Assistance program is available for only one wireless or wireline account per household. Separate households that live at the same address are eligible, including residents of homeless shelters and nursing homes, for example. Residents with temporary addresses are also eligible." - There seems to be a loophole in the law to me.
11) Comment by phil - 04/01/2013
True somewhat , but poor people can also qualify for free basic land line phone service so they really should not be able to qualify for both in my opinion. Just one or the other. I have never owned a cell phone because it is too expensive for me combined with other expenses including my land line phone service. Problem is too much free makes people think they should get everything for free like free Obamacare etc etc. I imagine some poor person will complain that they do not have a smart phone to track the CATS buses with the new GPS system, so someone will probably sue the government for being treated unfairly. How do I get on that get-it-free list before I go broke paying taxes for all of that "free" stuff? No wonder we (the federal government) are $16 TRILLION in debt.
12) Comment by tradewinns - 04/01/2013
the phone should be a land line only and the law already mandates 9-1-1 calls must function even if you do not have phone service. and suzanneMS perhaps you missed the expose' on the major networks a few months back where they interviewed folks who had the free cell phones. I say phones with the s because everyone they talked to had 5 or more the largest had 15. they were bragging about how many they had and how it took less than 5 minutes to get another one. no this wasn't fox news it was one of the big 3. I've forgotten which one as its been awhile. I don't care what type of program you develop the useless will find a way to abuse it and they know from experience that no one will do anything to either stop them or punish them. then some folks wonder why others get so disgusted with our various govt. programs.
13) Comment by CountryBoysCanSurvive - 04/01/2013
****Comment Removed for Violation of Terms of Use****
14) Comment by wherearewegoing - 04/01/2013
@SuzanneMS: "riddled with fraud" Did you miss that part? Because that was a "fact." It doesn't matter how the system is designed when people know how to bend the rules and cheat (also read "steal") the taxpayers. Next time try harder to understand what you're reading instead of commenting just criticizing others that you disagree with. What happened to civilized debate in this country? (Both sides are guilty)
15) Comment by DMJ - 04/01/2013
"Filled with hate" is right, SuzanneMS. And Vitter, being the type of person he is, is their perfect representative.
16) Comment by SuzanneMS - 04/01/2013
Wrong, again. You people are so filled with hate; it must be painful to be you. What you "feel" is not relevant; the facts are. Lifeline is not necessarily free. It is a discounted service for most. It can be used on either a landline or a cell phone, and is restricted to one service per household.
17) Comment by tradewinns - 04/01/2013
what!! you expect the useless to do anything to earn the right to have everything? the poor are and will destroy this country. the "free cell phone" program cost the US taxpayer over $1 BILLION a year (I've heard it's more but this was an "official" figure) a program which started as a safety item (call for help at home) and cost less than $400K a year nationwide has ballooned to over a $billion and is no longer a home phone for emergencies but now available to call friends and family. taxpayers have to pay for that right isn't that wonderful!
18) Comment by wherearewegoing - 04/01/2013
@rgeraldwallace: "when is the last time somebody on welfare used a phone to get off welfare?" You forgot the word "free" in there, but other than that you nailed it! I'm sure it is very rare to find someone on welfare or state/federal support that got off of it because of their free, taxpayer supplied cell phone.
19) Comment by jdk944 - 04/01/2013
Mr. Madden, Senator Vitter's email referenced moving the program back to the original idea of Landlines for this NOT cell phones. This would still allow those to be able to stay in touch with those parties you some "dramatically" point out in your letter. And money collected from us Taxpayers are where the money comes from!!! In addition, is it possible that the Main Stream Media and the Obama Administration want those who don't do their own research to believe this IS Obama's program?? Afterall, the Main Stream are the ones putting this on the news and I haven't seen any rebuttal of it from Carney etc.!!
20) Comment by - 04/01/2013
Madden is putting out propaganda; when is the last time somebody on welfare used a phone to get off welfare? Welfare rolls and food stamps are at an all time high, not decreasing because of free cell phones.
21) Comment by agagent - 04/01/2013
"The FCC implemented anti-fraud measures earlier this year, requiring subscribers to prove their eligibility, canceling service if the phone is not used for 60 days, and preventing individuals from having multiple phones. The agency says it canceled 800,000 duplicate contracts and expects to save $200 million this year. Lifeline "wreaks havoc" in the competitive market, according to Roger Entner, the founder of Recon Analytics, a wireless industry research and consulting firm. Carriers targeting the prepaid market -- one of the industry's fastest-growing segments -- can't compete with free phones."-cnn money. Maybe some attention has done some good
22) Comment by agagent - 04/01/2013
"Democrats have also challenged Lifeline's excesses. Senator Claire McCaskill, from Missouri, drew attention last year to Lifeline's minimal oversight after receiving a flyer at home inviting her to get a free cell phone. (With an annual Senate salary of $174,000, McCaskill isn't exactly the target market.)"-cnn money About the Obamaphone program
23) Comment by CountryBoysCanSurvive - 04/01/2013
"Everyone who is struggling is at fault for their own struggles" I feel that in 98% of the cases this is indeed a fact. You have to go back to their childhood. Did they follow societies rules? Did they go to school? Did they study? Did they stay off of the streets and drugs? Did they actively seek a job? Did they not have illegitimate babies? Or were they content to sit on their butt and wait for the taxpayers to raise them and then cry about how bad it is?
24) Comment by postscript56 - 04/01/2013
Vitter's position is typical of conservatives. Everyone who is struggling is at fault for their own struggles. Therefore the rest of us have no obligation to that lazy "taker" and anything we do for that person is evil welfare. Why is anyone suprised when conservatives act like this? This belief forms the basis for modern conservative "thought."
25) Comment by Bighug - 04/01/2013
Weren't Medicaid, the food stamp program, and unemployment pay all started by Obama? That seems to be what my Tea Party friends claim.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sen. Vitter discovers the "Obamaphone" ...

Our Senator Vitter felt the need to email his constituents Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:21 AM to let us know his valiant stand against "Free Cell Phones for Welfare Recipients." 

This program began under President Reagan, continued through the administrations of Presidents Bush the Elder, Clinton, and Bush "Dubya", and has been recently modified by President Obama.  The "Lifeline Assistance" program created in 1984 provided landlines (and thus a connection of last resort to emergency services, job prospects and family members) in even the poorest homes.

As cellphone use spread and landline use dropped, the program was modified in 2008 under President Bush (before Obama took office).  The requirement was that recipients had to be on Medicaid, food stamps or another state or federal welfare program.  Unfortunately, the program never required proof from the cell carriers that their millions of Lifeline users were truly needy. 

When Obama's FCC in 2012 required the carriers verify Lifeline users actually needed aid, the program was found to be riddled with fraud.  About 41% of Lifeline cell subscribers turned out not to be eligible.  So, the FCC will be cutting the Lifeline rolls thereby the cost of the program. 

Apparently, Senator Vitter feels that is not enough so he wants to remove cellphones from people on Medicaid, food stamps or another state or federal welfare program.  He wants to make it harder for them to find jobs, connect with potential employers, check with the children’s teachers, make medical appointments, and maybe even calling 911. 

The Lifeline program is a valid use of federal funds (our dollars collected through the Universal Service Fund fee on our monthly phone bill) to help those at the bottom of our economy. 
Also, the program includes 250 minutes of use per month – not unlimited minutes.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Letter: Tenure no free ticket | Opinion | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

My Comment (after I took out the 'damn'): 

Being_Stupid wrote:  "... a Government Monopolized School System does not work and will never work." 

ONE:  Where is the "Monopolized" part if we have private, parochial, and homeschooling available? 

TWO:  In the late 1700s, Thomas Paine was one of the earliest in favor of universal, free public education -- a radical idea at the time -- the first U.S. liberal, I guess.  Prior to that time, only those who could pay could be educated.  It was in the U.S. that education was introduced as free (universal education) during the late 1800s.  It  had spread across the country by the 1920s.  So, Universal Education has been around less than 100 years and it has been in operation the longest in the U.S.  Curse those liberals ... everyone knows, in the age of computers, we need lots of ditchdiggers, hod carriers and plow boys for the economy to thrive.

Letter: Tenure no free ticket | Opinion | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

Friday, February 15, 2013

Kiss those spam call goodbye!

Hey, Buddy! 

Are you tired of those unsolicited commercial telephone calls?  Do those telemarketers drive you nuts?  Are those recorded messages causing you to spasm? 


Here's the solution!  Go to  Yes, that's  File Form 1088 in a few simple steps and kiss those irritating spam calls goodbye. 

File today. 




Communicating with Tech Support ...

About a year ago [April 2012], I contacted CIO.Kingstowne (GFEBS Project) regarding a request from the PMO to run myScan software on my personal laptop PC.  I do not have an Accenture nor a Government-owned laptop as I am a sub-contractor.  I was unable to run myScan on my personal laptop PC and so notified CIO.Kingstowne.  After several attempts by them and later other tech support folks, I was forwarded to the MyScan support team where we repeated all the earlier suggestions before being referred to "the Vendor."  After talks, I presume, with "the Vendor," the myScan support team requested I try a number of scenarios but never could get myScan to run on my personal laptop PC.  Now, I have been referred back to essentially the beginning of the process.  And, since I am the client site, I can not visit the project offices in Kingstowne for the tech support folks there to work with my personal laptop PC.  Thank you.  As far as I am concerned, this can be closed ... until the PMO once again requests I run myScan software on my personal laptop PC.

Sent 13 February 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

AP: Postal Service will not deliver mail on Saturdays | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

AP: Postal Service will not deliver mail on Saturdays | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

1) Comment by J.R.Madden - 02/06/2013
Hey, foldgers! OLOL does not schedule surgeries on Saturdays or Sundays except for emergencies today. They aren't even government-run. So, you don't have to wait 50 years.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

You do realize ...

If John Reed had succeeded, we would be wearing our shoes through TSA checkpoints at airports today.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Letter: Budget cuts endanger women | Opinion | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

Some others wrote "just file a restraining order."  My comment:  "From THE ADVOCATE:  (1) A Baton Rouge man, 26, was indicted Thursday in the June shooting and wounding of his pregnant wife and killing of her unborn child. ... a temporary restraining order was issued June 18 that required Frank Atkins to stay away from his wife.  (2) A man arrested in the Tuesday morning shooting of his estranged girlfriend ... who turned 18 on Saturday and is three months pregnant, had a temporary restraining order against Patrick Guillory Jr. ...  (3) [EBR] sheriff’s deputies arrested a 46-year-old man Saturday accused of trying to kill his girlfriend ... The victim had filed a restraining order against Franklin ..."

Letter: Budget cuts endanger women | Opinion | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA