Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Fractured Fairy Tale ...

Large numbers of people are supporting Donald Trump for President because they feel betrayed by the current Republicans in leadership roles.  Those current Republican leaders promised to do something about immigration, undocumented aliens, the national debt, the budget deficit, the economy, and to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) AKA Obamacare among other items.

Donald Trump promises to change the way things are ... just as the current Republican leadership did when they campaigned for office.

If Donald should be elected President, what is likely to happen?  Let us imagine the scenario:

The Place:  The Oval Office
The Time:  the day after the inauguration
The Scene:  President Donald and his advisors

Donald: I would like to get started on my list of promises, gentlemen. And, I do mean "gentlemen" ... no bimbos here, right?

Advisors: Yes, sir.

D:  About that wall between us and those Mexicans ...

Advisor A: If I may, sir, initial cost estimates are way too high with the economy the way it is now.

D:  That shouldn't be a problem. Call the President of Mexico and ask when we can expect that check to pay for the wall.

A:  Sir, Mexico has broken off relations with us. We cannot call the President of Mexico anymore. In addition, Halliburton said they would not be able to hire enough cheap labor to do the work in that area anyway.

D:  Well, we will have to just manage that better, won't we?
Advisors: Yes, sir.

D:  What about deporting those brown people here in the country illegally?

Advisor B:  Sir. If we transport all the "illegal browns" to the nearest local airports that use only regional jets, it will require 95 years to move them all out of the country because their numbers will increase in the camps next to the local airports as they wait. IF we use major metropolitan airports with the larger aircraft, general business operations will slow to a crawl because CEO's will not be able to move around the country in their corporate jets as a result of the restricted airspace requirements to protect the "illegals" housed between the runways of the airports.

D: OK, let's hold on that one for a bit. Obamacare!  When can we get rid of that?

Advisor C:  Well, sir, the Speaker of the House and the Vice President on behalf of the Senate, both called to express their concern on that matter but not for release to the press, you must understand.  It turns out a majority of your supporters have actually signed up for Obamacare and, to the dismay of the Congressional Republican leadership, your supporters like having medical insurance after so many years without it.

D: No problem. We can just blame the Republicans for not getting rid of it sooner and then we will start calling it "TrumpCare"! Anything with my name on it will be OK with my followers.

Advisors: Yes, sir.

Advisor D: Sir, about the national debt?

D: Right! I have been thinking about that and, last night, it came to me! We will declare bankruptcy!  I know about bankruptcy since I've done it at least four times in the past.

Advisors:  GASP!
