Monday, October 13, 2008

Moving from AOL Blog service (Journals) ...

As AOL has decided to close the Journals (Blog) service as of 31 October 2008, I have moved my content (most of it) to

See you there! Er, ... here!

Former location:

Gustav recovery continues ...

We are still cleaning up from Gustav.

This morning, I was raking leaves into a single pile on the curb along with moving logs into the same pile. The contractor engaged by the city picked up most of the remaining large cuttings from the fallen tree but left a good bit behind. I am hoping the consolidated pile will be picked up soon.

We still have blue-tarp covered hole in the roof where the vent turbine used to be and continue to get estimates for roof replacement. It looks like we will have to fight with Allstate as they want to only "repair" half of the roof.

The neighbor behind may be taking on the chore of fence replacement so that would be one thing less to have on the list.