Wednesday, April 14, 2010

John C. Andrews ...

Email from John Lorentz, Tue, 13 April 2010:

I know that you used to [get] together with John Andrews at many Worldcons over the years, and I didn't know if you had heard the news.

After a long illness, John passed away last Friday [09 April 2010]. He'd had a bad reaction to anaesthesia a few months ago, but in the end it was his muscular dystrophy that was the cause. He's going to be missed greatly by his friends here in Portland.


I consider John to be one of my dearest fannish friends as we met prior to the 1977 SunCon in Miami, Florida and stayed in touch especially at WorldCons until I stopped attending annually with MagiCon in 1992. We did see him at the Baltimore WorldCon in 1998.

We got a Christmas card from him every year with the ever-informative "John C. Andrews" signature added. That is, only his signature let us know he was alive as he wrote nothing else within the card.

I do know John will be missed in Portland and elsewhere as well.

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