Thursday, December 31, 2015

Which policies of the first Republicans would be acceptable to today's Republicans?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 divided the country between the pro-slavery, agrarian South and anti-slavery, industrial North.  In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act stated settlers would decide if their new state would be free or slave. Northern leaders such as Horace Greeley, Salmon Chase and Charles Sumner did not want to watch a flood of pro-slavery settlers claim new territories.  From this primary issue, a new political party arose ... the Republican Party.

The Republican dislike of slavery came from the belief in a country wherein every man was free to make himself a good life by his own efforts. 

The Republicans were the party of free working white men; they opposed the spread of slavery because they feared competition from unpaid labor in the new Western lands. They were no particular friends of the blacks, slave or free. They were purely a sectional party -- the Northeast for the most part.

Issues put forward by the Republicans included:

  • Repeal of the Kansas-Nebraska Act — the Republican opposition to the extension of slavery was based more on economic concerns than moral ones
  • Support of the central route for the construction of the transcontinental railroad
  • Support of a Homestead Acts, which would ease the process for settlers to own western lands
  • Support of high protective tariffs and liberal immigration laws — both were attractive to Northern manufacturers.
  • Supported, in its early years, liberal capitalism as opposed to monopoly capitalism.

liberal capitalism - the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individuals and not by collective institutions or organizations
monopoly capitalism - a capitalist system typified by trade monopolies in the hands of a few people.


The early Republicans ...
Help settlers own the western lands
High tariffs to protect U.S. manuafacturers & worker's jobs
Liberal immigration laws to provide labor to Northern manufacturers
Capitalism with economic decisions made by individuals and not by collective institutions or organizations
No particular friends of blacks

Today's Republicans ...
Let business drill, mine, harvest the western lands at low cost
High tariffs to protect U.S. manuafacturers
Tight immigration laws to reduce potential liberal voters
Capitalism with decisions made by a plutocracy
No particular friends of blacks, Latinos, Muslims, Mideastern peoples, refugees, poor, homeless, mentally ill


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What have liberals ever done for the U.S.?

The GI Bill
Endangered Species Act
Environmental Laws
The Space Program
The Peace Corps
The Civil Rights Movement
Earned Income Tax Credit
Family & Medical Leave Act
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Americans With Disabilities Act
Freedom of Information Act
Women's right to control their reproductive future
Allowing citizens to view their own credit records
The Internet
Balancing the federal budget
The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)
Lobbying Disclosure Act
"Motor-Voter" Act
The Voting Rights Act
Unemployment Insurance
Food Stamps/WIC
Social Security
Peace between Israel and Egypt
Peace between Israel and Jordan
The Department of Education
The Department of Energy
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
Labor Laws
The Marshall Plan
Winning World War II
Food Safety Laws
Workplace Safety Laws
The Tennessee Valley Project
The Civilian Conservation Corps
The Securities and Exchange Commission
Women's Right to Vote
Universal Public Education
National Weather Service
Product Labeling Laws
Truth in Advertising Laws
Morrill Land Grant Act
Rural Electrification
Public Universities
Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Broadcasting
Supporting the establishment of Israel
The United Nations

Where does it say in the U.S. Constitution ...

Article VI, paragraph 3, ... no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Whether you are religious or not, it matters not under the Constitution. Religion thereby is separated from the state.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What are the odds?

“3,400: Americans who died by Terrorism since 2001. 3,400: Americans who died by household firearms since five weeks ago.” --

So ... what is mostly likely to happen to you or someone you know? The math is not that hard.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

From my collection of semi-pithy statements ...

"It works," [Donald] Trump repeated of waterboarding. "Believe me, it works. And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing." 

It is the Donald who would torture for the sake of torture. That is sadism.

He has gone way beyond patriotism. He is opposed to all the Constitution stands for and has moved into immorality.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Confederate Battle Flag ... just let it go.

The swastika is considered to be a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Used as a decorative element in various cultures, its first known appearance was on the tusk of a mammoth from the paleolithic settlement of Mezine, Ukraine dated to 10,000 BCE. It was found on a man's tunic shown in a Roman mosaic at the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily. The swastika motif is found in some traditional Native American art and iconography.

However, in Western countries, association with the German Nazi Party has obliterated any use of the swastika in its original context. Its use is banned in Germany. Any appearance elsewhere is immediately presumed to represent a fascist, nationalist, racist agenda.

The Confederate battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (original square later rectangular) was, at one time, a symbol to those whose ancestors served in the armed forces of the Confederacy. However, it has also been adopted by various racist groups. It now that association which the flag represents: fascist, nationalist, racist, hate, violence.

Those who feel affection for the flag have lost the battle of public opinion. It would be better to just let it go.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Jade Helm 2015 ... a scenario

Operation Jade Helm 2015, a US Army training exercise, will take place from 15 July to 15 September 2015. About 1,200 U.S. Special Operations forces will be taking part. The exercise will stretch across several western States.

A small percentage of Texans have decided this will be the beginning of the end for their freedom. They expect to be rounded up and housed in closed Wal-Marts converted to detention facilities. They insist the U.S. Army, sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution, will instead follow illegal orders to lock up Texans because ... well, no good reason has actually been presented so far.

The Army has sent spokepeople to talk to the Texans. This, of course, was an exercise in futility and those attending the public meetings already knew anyone in an Army uniform ... well, anyone in a current, official Army uniform was a liar under any circumstance. There was nothing the spokesfolks could say because the audience already had the "facts" from various odd-ball radio personalities and off-the-wall Websites. Even Fox News called them "kookie"!

My fear ...

A member of the Texas State Guard will be driving alone on a road at night. He will be returning to his family from an official meeting of the Guard called by the Texas Governor. He will, of course, be wearing his Texas State Guard uniform which, surprise, surprise, looks just like the uniform of the U.S. Army.

He will be passed by a pickup carrying a couple of suspicious Texans on the lookout for the illegal roundup they have been expecting for months.

The Guardsman will wave at the two.

They will immediately recognize the wave as a signal to the invisible black helicopter they "know" has been following them the several miles. [The "whop-whop" sound is actually coming from one of the tires.]

Having decided not to be taken without a fight, the pickup swirls into a quick 180 and catches up with the Guardsman. They open fire in a "preemptive strike" to take out the only available target of oppression.

Time passes. Investigations proceed. The two are arrested for murder.

At the trial, the defense argues the two assassins were merely doing their duty against the oppressive, over-reaching Federal government and, because of their heroic action of ambush and backshooting, the illegal roundup was halted.

The two are acquitted and hailed as Texas heroes.

Three months later, the two are found outside their respective homes with bullet holes in their foreheads. Local authorities surmise person or persons unknown with sniper training may have been involved in the slayings. The investigation continues.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Climate change ... what do you think?

"In 1850, ... there were an estimated 150 glaciers in the area ... By 1968, ... around 50. Today ... 26, many ... mere remnants of what they once were.

"If current trends continue, some scientists predict that by the year 2030, Glacier National Park will not contain any glaciers and many of the park's smaller glaciers will melt even sooner."


So, just check back in fifteen (15) years to see what transpires.