Monday, September 27, 2004

Email from Paul Grady ...

Subj:    Mother
Date:    9/27/2004 2:16:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:    "Paul Madden" <>
Yesterday I emptied the (email inbox) box as it was full with Military.Com headlines. I got the box of with the measuring tapes. I also
got the box from the Church in NJ (Old Orchards UMC, Cherry Hill, NJ). I will try to get the mesaurements today. That might be a good Idea getting Mike to get my blues out of storage for me and send them home.. But seeing as I dont have a way to get in touch with him. I am not sure how much that idea will work. I am walking with boots again and feel much better. (Paul Grady had an ingrown toenail removed.) The docs think that i am not taking care of my feet as I dont heal as fast as some other people do. Go figure. Hopefully this email will get to you and are having fun. I love you bunches :O) PG


Thursday, September 23, 2004

ACLU exaggerates ... just like Bush & Kerry!

Subj:    Your message to American Civil Liberties Union
Date:    9/23/2004 8:21:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Following is the information you entered on the American Civil Liberties Union site.

Home Phone: 225.266.6196
Work Phone: 225.266.6196
Fax Number: NA



  I was disappointed to read in an email from that the ACLU is running an advertisement alleging the USA Patriot Act allows authorities to search homes "without notifying us . .  treating us all like suspects" when it is not exactly true.

  Quoting from the email, "Actually, notice still has to be given to the subject of such a search, eventually. And far from treating us "all" like suspects, the Department of Justice reports seeking only 47 such 'sneak-and-peek' warrants in the law's first 17 months."

  The truth about certain aspects of the Patriot Act should be sufficient.  Exaggeration and excess are not necessary and actually detract from the overall veracity of such advertisements in the long run.

Yours truly,
J. R. Madden
Member 58615139


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A phone call from Iraq ...

Paul Grady called Daphne this morning.  The call was brief and the information conveyed to me was as follows:

1.     The Marines can not get any airline tickets for December so they are looking at November, around Thanksgiving, for Paul Grady’s two (2) week leave.  He called to recheck the dates for our cruise (01-16 October) to aid in the planning.

2.     With his ingrown toenail removed thus putting him on “light duty”, he cannot wear his combat boots and others continue to step on his foot.  This does set back the healing process a bit.  Nevertheless, he thinks he will return to work in the ‘tool room’ tomorrow.

3.     He has recently received packages from the gaming company (arranged by Scotty) and Aunt Sandy.  One mailed by Daphne on Saturday a week ago has been received but she has since sent at least two others.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Guinness Book of World Records

Friday, 17 September 2004

Thank you. Your enquiry has been received. We will come back to you as soon as we can. 

Enquiry Type: BusDev 

This is NOT a "Business development or licensing" related email. It is related to RECORDS but does not involve a RECORD attempt or query. Rather, I would submit that all records involving extensive lack of sleep should be discontinued such as longest time without sleep, longest drumming session, longest time on radio, longest dance, longest kiss, etc.
There have been several studies and incidents demonstrating extended lack of sleep causes irreversible changes in the human brain and therefore harm to the individual involved.
Yours truly, J. R. Madden 
Firstname: J. R. 
Lastname: Madden 
Organisation: NA 
Gender: M 
Address #1: 7515 Sheringham Avenue 
Address #2:  
State: LA 
City: Baton Rouge 
Country: United States 
Postcode: 70808 
Phone: 225.266.6196 
Mobile: 225.266.6196 